Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Tiredness causes sleeping

I've been really tired this week and so haven't managed to get to the gym which I'm unhappy about. But I have managed to keep up with avoiding temptation and sticking to eating healthy foods.

Weight: 19st 6lbs 0oz
Waist: 47 inches

I have managed to lose another pound and it all counts so I shouldn't be too disheartened.


Yewtree said...

I went to the gym but I still haven't lost any weight :(

Anonymous said...

don't worry, you're only human and you have a lot going on. Well done for sticking to your guns re temptation. You'll get there

bert blogger said...

Still going in the right direction! I always find my quality of sleep is a lot better after exercise and that I feel more awake after doing exercise too. May help with the tiredness.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Rob about the exercise, the less you feel like doing it - the better you feel afterwards. And at least you'll still be on target.

Anonymous said...

Just discovered your new diet blog! well done. i need to try to lose some weight too, feeling quite encouraged by reading yours...though i'm not sure i could manage a whole new blog for it. yvonne will probably agree that i already have too many as it is!

bb, sarah