Friday, October 27, 2006

Challenge met!

My brother texted me this morning with the following message:

Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily you'll beat 3:40 easily!

I of course rose to the challenge. Wore myself out doing so but managed it none the less.

Todays time: 3 mins 38.0 seconds


Anonymous said...

Champion! At this rate you could be joining Mark on a marathon.

Anonymous said...

This is really good. An improvement every time is brilliant! You must feel great at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Just realised - this is nearly 20 seconds off your time from 3 weeks ago! Nothing like a challenge...

Yewtree said...

Well done!

Anonymous said...

and the time for this Friday (3 November) is?