Friday, November 24, 2006

Long time no blog

Haven't blogged for a while as I have just bought a house and it been a bit mad. The move itself was quite tiring. More so that some days on the Pennine way.

Been to the gym a couple of times this week. Went to do the rowing today but after 500 m I realised I couldn't breath. I think the cold whether is affecting my athsma a bit.

So today: 500m in 1 min 40 seconds

I will try again on monday to do the full 1000m.


Anonymous said...

Not to worry. I'm sure you'll get right back into it on Monday. Glad to see the blog started again! Keep us posted on how you're getting on.

Anonymous said...

nice to see you back! isnt it hard getting to the gym in this dark horrible weather. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

good to see you back on the blog, you'll soon be back up to speed.

Anonymous said...

Good to see you back. You are doing well to get straight into your PB target. Best of luck for tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

woo hoo! good to see you back :)