Tuesday, October 03, 2006

On your marks..... Get set.....

Another good morning at the gym. I have 2 programs. The first is mostly cardio stuff (cross trainer, rowing machine and treadmill) with a few abdomial and back exersices. The second is mostly weights. I do the first program on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and the second program on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I decided that rather than having a rest day I would do a less energic program, that way I'm always doing something.

Whilst I was warming up on the rowing machine today I came up with the idea for a little test at the end of each week as an extra motivation tool. So every Friday gym session I am going to see how quickly I can row 1000m. I will post my times on this blog.

It will be interesting to see how my times change over time.


Yewtree said...

You've been going to the gym every morning??? Wow, I am awed. (Backs away bashing head on floor with cries of 'we are not worthy'.)

Anonymous said...

Go on!!

Anonymous said...

let me know when you start setting records!