Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The journey begins

So here I am. A 28 year old man.

Weight: 20st 5lbs 12oz
Waist: 49 inches
(actual measurement, not trouser size)

I have been trying without much success to lose weight for the last 4 or 5 years. I have lost a stone here and there but always put it back on some of it at least. I have decided that enough is enough.

I have signed up to the Fatmanslim program online. A service designed especially for men for helping guide you though losing 4 inches off your waist over a period of 12 weeks.

This is day 6 and I am starting this blog to chart my progress and to add another incentive to lose the weight.


I have been writing a food diary since day 1 and I realised that despite my best efforts I have been eating complete rubbish! So on day 6 i am making a conscious to change. I have removed all unhealthy food from the house (except the cheese which I just remembered, will get rid of that tonight). I pre chopped a load of salad vegetables this morning for making healthy sandwiches for lunch. My little fridge at work is stocked with apples for an easy hunger fix. So I'm not tempted to wander down the corridor for chocolate and crisps.

Things are definitely changing for the better :-D

1 comment:

Yewtree said...

Well done. I will try not to eat naughty things conspicuously!