Sunday, September 10, 2006


I find that weekends are the hardest when it comes to temptation. Two whole days at home. Since removing unhealthy things from the house being at home is not too much of a problem. However, going into the city is quite hard. Wandering round trying to find something to eat that isn't full of fat is a nightmare. It's no wonder so many people are overweight. Luckily I found a local sandwich shop that did a very healthy baguette.

I'm obviously doing something right as it's paying off.

Weight: 19st 11lbs 0oz
Wasit: 48 3/8 inches


Anonymous said...

Brilliant! A nice steady to start and something you'll be able to maintain and build on. Well done for resisting temptation in Bath - Elly commented on how hard that must be when she was there the other week. Keep it up!

Yewtree said...

You've lost 7 lbs already, that's good. Half a stone! (Not worth measuring ounces I would have thought, as weight can fluctuate during the day and so on.) Also, it's best to only weight yourself once a week. Otherwise you'll end up like Bridget Jones....